Loudspeaker Design Cookbook
Seventh Edition

11Replace MD, CS, and RES in the list of circuit elements in section 0.50 with: Cm = capacitance representing moving mass, Lc = inductance representing driver compliance, and Res = resistance due to mechanical losses.
36In the formula for f3, the square root sign should be extended to include the "+ 4" term.
42The third 50/50 combination in table 1.21 should be labeled 4 lb/1 lb Fiberglass.
46Item E. of section 1.91 should read "Sensitivity will increase +6dB for a parallel connection and 0dB for a series connection compared to a single driver."
72dt=(d12+d22)1/2 should not be used for multiple port tubes. The correct method is to divide the chamber volume by the number of ports, then plug that fraction of the box volume into the port formula to calculate how long each port should be.
86Figure 3.5 is incorrect; it is actually the same graph as figure 3.4.
165RH should be RL in the C2 equation for Linkwitz-Riley Second-Order Networks.
1831/(6.2832 f C) should be 1/(6.2832 f L) in the equation for impedance magnitude (says impedance circuit).
184The last line of the paragraph at the top of the right column should read "...for a 4 ohm driver this would be about 0.2 ohms, and so on."
201E5 should be 105 in the Cmb equation.
201The parts list for the BL meter is obsolete. "Helping Hands" Project Holder #64-2093 has been superseded by #64-2991. Self-Adhesive Alarm Foil #49-502 is no longer carried.
204Formula 9 is missing (formula 10 is shown as 9). It should be Qms = fs x sqrt(ro)/(f2 - f1).
205The formula for Qts' has an error. It should be Qts' = (Qes' x Qms)/(Qes' + Qms).
208In figure 8.22, there should be a connection dot connecting the 1000 uF cap, two 650 ohm resistors and driver. DC 09WER SUPPLY should be DC POWER SUPPLY and AC VOLT METER #2 should be a DC VOLT METER.
251In table 12.1, Vas of Audax AP130Z0 should be 10.9 liters.

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